We understand indigenous communication.

Māori are Digital.
TangataWhenua.com understands how important kanohi ki te kanohi is to our people, and we also know that increasingly, whānau are engaging, interacting, communicating by email, by txt, by Facebook, through the internet or by a tweet.
Our passion is for empowering indigenous communities to manage and control their communications.”
We work closely with Māori at home, around the rohe, across the nation and around the world. We design mobile, digital and communication strategies and are currently developing training and employment opportunities across the ICT industry.
We know how to create Whanau-Friendly websites.
Importantly, we know how to create Whānau-Friendly websites and comms plans. TangataWhenua.com has extensive experience working with tribally mandated authorities in creating innovative strategies that ensure your message gets to your people, ensuring that your koeke and kaumatua, your pakeke, your rangatakapu, your rangatahi and tamariki each get the appropriate kōrero.
Our strategies integrate iwi, hapū, marae projects and mahi with ground-breaking digital techniques which can better enable interaction and increased levels of information exchange between tribal members, key stakeholders and the wider community.
TangataWhenua.com recommends the use of a range of tools, in recognition that whanau access information in different ways.
Understanding digital information streams means we champion the use of traditional media (hard copy newsletters, and where required, iwi radio campaigns and newspaper advertisements, articles, editorials) along with digital and emerging media (websites, social networks, ePānui, txt msgs).
This ensures that those who don’t have internet access be kept informed of issues relevant while keeping overall distribution costs to a minimum.